Удовлетворительно6 отзывы
  • ≤9h
    Среднее время ответа
  • 88.0%
    Количество заказов, доставленных своевременно
  • US $30,000+
    Заказов: {0}
Изготовление на заказ по эскизам
Прослеживаемость сырья
Контроль готовой продукции
Смотреть все проверенные возможности ({capacitiesNum})
Профиль компании
Дата регистрации компании2015-09-02
Производственная площадь (кв. м)160
Принятые языкиEnglish,Chinese
Период экспорта в годах8
Период работы в отрасли в годах8
Производственные возможности
Контроль качества
Отслеживаемость сырья для поддержки продукцииYes
Метод осмотра продукцииInspection of all products, Random inspection, According to client's requirement
Торговый опыт
Основные рынкиNorth America(80%), Western Europe(10%), Eastern Europe(5%)
Основные типы клиентовRetailer, Engineer, Wholesaler, Brand business, Manufacturer
Возможности НИОКР
Параметры кастомизацииsample processing, graphic processing, customized on demand, graphic processing, sample processing, customized on demand
Инженеры по НИОКР2
Уровни образования инженеров по НИОКР2 graduate
Отзывы о компании (6)
3.6 /5
  • Услуги поставщика
  • Во время пересылки
  • Качество продукции
In conclusion, we do not recommend purchasing from this supplier. The quotation from the supplier from the creation of the sample until two days before we placed the mass production order was no different from the unit price we were initially quoted. However, when we tried to place a mass order, the supplier raised the unit price of the product by about double. We decided to make a sample and spend the time and cost to make a sample with a view to mass production. However, this supplier was very underhanded. Even considering international business practices, this was an unthinkable response. We lost time and money because of their unscrupulous tactics of fishing for buyers with low prices, and then raising the unit price of the product when it came time to place a large order. For these reasons, we would never recommend this supplier. By the way, the first sample was defective.
Viper was my very favorite representative on all of Alibaba. I'm so sorry that he has left the company :(
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